
Here’s a look at design ideas that excite us — things that we hope to bring to fruition with like-minded collaborators. As designers, we always look for ways to solve a problem or enhance a solution. We look at public places, appreciate and observe life unfolding. We respond to the various man-made spaces and interventions that have improved life over the years. Reflections are our thoughts on ways to improve and make them more responsive to today's needs. Although these are large canvases of bigger goals, the hope is to reveal the potential of such ideas. We endevour to continue to add more details as we move forward and find more clarity with time. In the meanwhile, we are hopeful that there will be other design related firms, organizations, city councils or government agencies that may see value in these thoughts and collaborate with us or commission us, in part or in whole, to pursue it more dedicatedly with more resources. Till then, we will continue to observe and share our Reflections.


A Flower Market

Our thoughts and ideas on how a typical Indian flower market can be reconfigured for more efficiency and a better experience for all.

Watch this space for more


Manipur Memorial

A memorial space for late Dr. Thingnam Kishan, Sub District officer,  Manipur, seeking to pay homage to his truthful and brave life. The space is conceptualised as a meeting ground for ideas, thoughts, and a celebration of different cultures.

Watch this space for more


Eco Trail

Nature and technology need not be mutually exclusive. This is an attempt at envisioning an integrated and complementary whole to sow the seed of consiousness about our environment, to be able to appreciate it at a deeper level and a space to find meaningful connections with and within nature.

Watch this space for more

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© Wari Watai